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Our latest obsession
Happy Squares are our latest way to bring joy into every little corner of your life.
The frames are deep, so they are sturdy enough to use as home decor on a bookshelf or desk,...
but can just as easily be used as wall art.
Our latest obsession
Happy Squares are our latest way to bring joy into every little corner of your life.
The frames are deep, so they are sturdy enough to use as home decor on a bookshelf or desk,...
but can just as easily be used as wall art.

Save when you buy a Bundle


Pre-Selected Tea Towels and Happy Squares: only $39 for the pair.Good to give. Good to keep!

Who wants all the dogs?!

We bet you're raising your hand :)


Butterfly Friend Canvas Wrap$69.00 USD

Cathy Walters' precious little tabby kitten plays amongst the butterflies and wildflowers in this darling dark blue cat portrait!